2010 m. lapkričio 29 d., pirmadienis

Summary.The mystery of memory

Science of memory is only one hundred years. The first was area of the psychologists, who wanted to separate short- term memory from long- term memory.

Sort- term memory is a current memory and it what is not lost gets removed into long- term memory, which is for ever. Remembering- what is taken from long- term memory and placing into “working memory”. Remembering can be procedural memory and declarative memory.

Recognition is often compared with a recall. If shown to people some kind of objects for a minute, they remembered no more than fifteen different objects. If shown objects one after the other for a few seconds, weeks later people can recognize more objects correctly. “Eidetic” or photographic memory- then some objects associated with smells, colors, taste. Often this is typical for children.

Neuroscientists study memory, because they want to understand these different regions relationship with brain processes, they want to reveal the mystery of memory.

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