2010 m. lapkričio 24 d., trečiadienis

Summary. Applying psychology in the 21st century

The short article investigates the impact of dreams on our everyday life. Some scientists say that our daytime, waking experiences are incorporated into dreams.

Stickgold, a psychologist, asked the participants to play some electronic games before they want to sleep. After good night's sleep they agrees that all the night they were playing a game, seeing Tetris objects falling in their dreams. Some of them even had some psychological problems like hardly re-membering what they did during the day. Some researchers state, taht what we are thinking about during the day, for example, a person, about problems,- the dreams help you to find solutions.

Some scientists at the university of Chicago trained college students to understand distorted speech produced by electronic equipment. They found out that the students who had a good night's sleep did better than the ones who were tested two hours after learing the task.

In conclusion it can be said that good night's sleep or some extra hours of shut eye can help the students to cope with their work easier and more efficiently.

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