2010 m. lapkričio 24 d., trečiadienis

Richard Wiseman

Professor Richard Wiseman started his working life as an aword- winning professional magician, and was one of the youngest members of The Magic Circle. He was awarded Britain's first professionship in the Public Understanding of Psychology.

Prof. Wiseman has written three best selling books: The Luck Factor, Quirhology and 59 seconds.
He is based at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK, and has gained an international reputation for research into quirky areas of psychology, including deception, humor, luck and the paranormal.
Wiseman's research has been featured on over 150 televison programmes BBC, ABC.. He is regularly heard on BBC radio.

I watched Wiseman blog and his trich on youtube (example Magic square and cards). I was surprised. I think he is so creative, intelligent, observat person. This psychologist participates in a lot of different and interesting researches.

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