2011 m. kovo 21 d., pirmadienis

Summary.English language invasion

The invasion of English words into another language caus problems. Chinese chairman of the International Federation of Translators, said that need to stop English language invasion, because Chinese will no longer be a pure language. According to a group of self-styled guardians of the French language, the invasion of English words pose more problems to French national identity than the Nazi occupation. That words such a okey, bye-bye, nice use every day both a Chinese and French language. Countries fear growing number of English words, because English phrases pose a threat to negative languages.

Only 20 foreigh films are allowed in China cinemas each year. Also Youtube, Facebook and Twitter have been banned, forbidden publications from using English names, places, people and companies This is fight with Western culture and language in China. In france all English words on billboards come with a French translation in a footnote.

However, English language is not easy to stop. According to Gu Yuego, language invasion is a global phenomenon. On the other, maybe borrowing words from other language is a positive, because people know more about another countrie culture, adapt to the cultural exchange.

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