2010 m. lapkričio 29 d., pirmadienis

Summary.The mystery of memory

Science of memory is only one hundred years. The first was area of the psychologists, who wanted to separate short- term memory from long- term memory.

Sort- term memory is a current memory and it what is not lost gets removed into long- term memory, which is for ever. Remembering- what is taken from long- term memory and placing into “working memory”. Remembering can be procedural memory and declarative memory.

Recognition is often compared with a recall. If shown to people some kind of objects for a minute, they remembered no more than fifteen different objects. If shown objects one after the other for a few seconds, weeks later people can recognize more objects correctly. “Eidetic” or photographic memory- then some objects associated with smells, colors, taste. Often this is typical for children.

Neuroscientists study memory, because they want to understand these different regions relationship with brain processes, they want to reveal the mystery of memory.

2010 m. lapkričio 27 d., šeštadienis


  • ESP vocaburaly tests
ESP vocabulary tests helped  to improve my vocabulary because I learned  many new, interesting words, who related to psychology.
  • Writing summaries 
At the beginning I did not know how to write summary because I have never written it. So I think it is still difficult for me, but I believe that with more practice I can improve. I most worry about the grammar mistakes, because this is my weakness.
  • Online exercises 
Online exercises help to improve my vocabulary. Also this is a great test, which check that we learned at home. This is a great practice before ESP. I like online exercises, but sometimes I feel that I'm not ready, so I make mistakes.
  • Moodle tests
Some tests was too difficult for me. Often I had to use a book. However, all this has been helpful for me. I  remembered many words.
  • Online listening in class. Traditional listening to cassetles
I think this exercises were very useful and also interesting. 

  • Power point presentations
My theme was ''Thinking and reasoning". It was difficult to understand this theme and to prepare presentacion, but it was interesting for me.
  • Speaking impromptu
In classes we had to speak impromptu a lot and I don't like this, because I afraid speak in English. My English vocabulary is very poor, but I believe that this will change. I want to speak English better.
  • Short talks
Themes were interesting, especially short talk about Richard Wiseman. I find it hard to speak in English, but I try.

In conclussion, I think I still have to learn to write good summaries and I have to try to speak in English better.

2010 m. lapkričio 24 d., trečiadienis

Richard Wiseman

Professor Richard Wiseman started his working life as an aword- winning professional magician, and was one of the youngest members of The Magic Circle. He was awarded Britain's first professionship in the Public Understanding of Psychology.

Prof. Wiseman has written three best selling books: The Luck Factor, Quirhology and 59 seconds.
He is based at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK, and has gained an international reputation for research into quirky areas of psychology, including deception, humor, luck and the paranormal.
Wiseman's research has been featured on over 150 televison programmes BBC, ABC.. He is regularly heard on BBC radio.

I watched Wiseman blog and his trich on youtube (example Magic square and cards). I was surprised. I think he is so creative, intelligent, observat person. This psychologist participates in a lot of different and interesting researches.

Psychology on the internet

Nowadays many people communicate in the internet. The internet is the ultimate visual and psychological medium. In this visually engrossing world the copy, or words on our website have the greatest psychological impact for us.

Very important psychological aspect on website is the online marketing strategy of colors. Color is an important factor in successful website design. When color is used correctly, it can send a number of messages for reader.
So colors on website have a psychological influence for us. Example red is associated with love, passion; black is associated with secrecy; brown with earth..Meanings are attached to colors in the some way meaning are attached words: our reaction to colors is almost instantaneous and has a profound impact on the choices.

The internet psychological transforming business,education and our subliminal.

Summary. Applying psychology in the 21st century

The short article investigates the impact of dreams on our everyday life. Some scientists say that our daytime, waking experiences are incorporated into dreams.

Stickgold, a psychologist, asked the participants to play some electronic games before they want to sleep. After good night's sleep they agrees that all the night they were playing a game, seeing Tetris objects falling in their dreams. Some of them even had some psychological problems like hardly re-membering what they did during the day. Some researchers state, taht what we are thinking about during the day, for example, a person, about problems,- the dreams help you to find solutions.

Some scientists at the university of Chicago trained college students to understand distorted speech produced by electronic equipment. They found out that the students who had a good night's sleep did better than the ones who were tested two hours after learing the task.

In conclusion it can be said that good night's sleep or some extra hours of shut eye can help the students to cope with their work easier and more efficiently.

Summary.You are how tou wait:Queue psychology

People spend many hours waiting in lines.Scientists from different parts of the world study the lines and it is impact on people.

Passangers queue in railroad stations, in banks, in grocery stores, and the lines minimise the efficiency. Jacob Hornik study showed that people think that they about 30 percent longer wait in queue than is really.

Some businesses want to improve custumers satisfaction by reducing waiting time when many people complain about waiting time for elevators. Therefore mirrors were install in elevators.

The scientists say that quering up in different places make people unhappy, but they very rarely protest.

2010 m. rugsėjo 20 d., pirmadienis

My future profession

I want to be a psychologist. I am thinking about it a couple of years. My parents supported me. Now I am studying psychology at the university, and I am happy. Here people very friendly.

Why psychology? I like to interact with people, therefore I would like to know more about them. Also I want better to understand ourselves.

I would like to help people to solve their problems. I want to be able to advice, to listen, to help, to communicate, sometimes to silence...I think psychology is so interesting science, and I hope it is will be my future profession.