2011 m. balandžio 29 d., penktadienis

My Multiple Intelligence

At first is Linguistic (Word Smart) 20 points of 30. It surprised me, because I had problems with English language at school, but I know lithuania language well.
Second is Intrapersonal (Myself Smart) 19 points of 30. I think it's true because I'm interesting in myself. I often think about my problems, about my life, my goals. I know myself well.
Next is Naturalistic; Kinaesthetic (Nature Smart and Body Smart) 15 points of 30. I like nature, I love to go with friends near the lake, I have village with amazing nature. But thats all, I don't interesting in the nature more, I think I'm not Kinaesthetic, I don't like sport.
Interpersonal (People Smart) 14 points of 30. I think should be more, because I like to communicate with people, for me it easy. I love to speak a lot, I'm very friendly. I often understand other people problems.
Visual/ Spatial (Picture Smart) 13 points of 30. Also I think should be more points. Because my memory is visual. And I have a big imagination.
The last is Musical (Music Smart) 11 points of 30. It's true, because my musical knowledge is very bad. I can't sing, and I don't play with some instruments.

I like this Intelligence test, because this test is easy, questions wasn't difficult, and it's was interesting. But some test answers was wrong. So it's not reliable, but anyway was fun.

1 komentaras:

  1. It was interesting to read your results of this Multiple Inteligence test. Also, I agree with you- this test isn't very reliable.;)
