2011 m. gegužės 18 d., trečiadienis

Final self- assessment

Writing summaries: Before university I have never written summaries. And I think it’s not easy. Formal style sometimes too difficult for me, also grammar is not clear.

1) Short talks: I don’t like this part. Every time I’m  worried about that, because sometimes so hard to speak English. And my English vocabulary is very poor.
2) Impromptu: It’s so difficult for me. And I’m very sad about that. I hope one time it will be better.
3) PPP: It’s strange, but I like this part. It was fun and interesting. I think my PPP was good. I tried to make it better.

Listening to:
1)  Online materials: I like this part. It was not so difficult. I think this part was the most interesting of all.
2)   Cassettes: It was interesting, sometimes I make mistakes.

ESP vocabulary:
1)  Formal tests in class and class test online: It was very difficult for me. New words and definitions were difficult to remember. But also it was very useful and interesting.
2)   Moodle tests: I like this part, because we were able to do at home it. No stress and I was able to repeat all definitions.

2011 m. balandžio 29 d., penktadienis

Summary. Scared to Death: The Link Between Stress and Coronary Heart Disease

The major physiological risk factors for heart disease: smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, high levels of serum cholesterol, diabetes, lack of exercise and psychological stress.

Also risk of heart disease can be troublesome childhood (domestic violence, physical abuse, neglect, living with a family member who was sent to prison, who abused drugs or alcohol, or who was mentally ill).

These psychosocial risk factors such as life, work, or financial stress or depression often leads to heart attack. Stress hormones increase blood pressure, induce inflammation, and cause other physiological changes that damage blood vessels over time.

Control your stress, more smile and be relaxed. It will help protect your heart.

My Multiple Intelligence

At first is Linguistic (Word Smart) 20 points of 30. It surprised me, because I had problems with English language at school, but I know lithuania language well.
Second is Intrapersonal (Myself Smart) 19 points of 30. I think it's true because I'm interesting in myself. I often think about my problems, about my life, my goals. I know myself well.
Next is Naturalistic; Kinaesthetic (Nature Smart and Body Smart) 15 points of 30. I like nature, I love to go with friends near the lake, I have village with amazing nature. But thats all, I don't interesting in the nature more, I think I'm not Kinaesthetic, I don't like sport.
Interpersonal (People Smart) 14 points of 30. I think should be more, because I like to communicate with people, for me it easy. I love to speak a lot, I'm very friendly. I often understand other people problems.
Visual/ Spatial (Picture Smart) 13 points of 30. Also I think should be more points. Because my memory is visual. And I have a big imagination.
The last is Musical (Music Smart) 11 points of 30. It's true, because my musical knowledge is very bad. I can't sing, and I don't play with some instruments.

I like this Intelligence test, because this test is easy, questions wasn't difficult, and it's was interesting. But some test answers was wrong. So it's not reliable, but anyway was fun.

2011 m. balandžio 26 d., antradienis

Self esteem

Self esteem is your opinion of yourself. For example, high self esteem is a good opinion of yourself. If you have a high level of self esteem you will be confident, happy highly motivated and have the right attitude to succed. Low self esteem is a bad opinion of yourself. It comes from a poor self image. This self- esteem feeds your negative thinking and causes you to believe the criticism others make of you.

Self-esteem is crucial and is a cornestore of a positive attitude toward living. It's very important because it affects how you think, act and even how you relate to other people. It allows you to live life to yoy potential.

I think self- esteem is a central to everything you do. It affects your behavior and thoughts. It changes how you feel about value yourself.

Many early theories suggested that self- esteem is a basic human need or motivation. American psuchologist Abraham Maslow, for example, included self- esteem in his herarchy of needs. He described two different form of esteem, the need for respect from other and the need for self- respect, or inner sel- esteem. According to Maslow, without the fultillment of the self- esteem need, individuals will be driver to seek it and unable to grow and obtain self- actualization.

So need to believe yourself, your achievements. It's very important because it helps your head high and feel proud of yourself.

Summary.Stress Busters

Alexander Garrett discovers how people under pressure unwind.

Advertising agency chairman is in a way that other people would find most unrelaxing. However  for writers is nothing more enjoyable than writing.

Member of parliament likes to relax  in the open air, near the sea, because nature is the most relaxing thing of all, after a hard week in the city.

All people have time when they are under a lot of stress. According to businessmen, humor as part of the way relax. Business and personal life have to be separately.

Washing the kitchen floor or ironing can be drudgery. But sometimes domestic tasks are satisfaction and relaxing.

Gym, aerobics, yoga is physical and psychological relaxing. Sport helps to focus mind on every part of body, helps to forget  about problems.

One of relaxing method is coking, delicious food, a glass of wine after difficult day. Great chance to talk about day’s events. Also listen to music, talk with friend, and fresh air provides a relaxation.

Many people- many of relaxation method.

Happiness in different countries

I'm going to talk about happiness in Liuxembourg, Canada and Sweden countries. This countries are in a list of Top 10 happies countries in the world. The basic of the list is reasearch by professor Ruut Veenhoven.

So, at first I'm talk about Luxembourg- 10 place on a list of happiness. This small country with a total population of less than 500 000 is a true European miracle. They don't have a navy nor an air force. But Luxembourg is the richest country in the world. There people very smart, also there a lot of banks. And according to the Guinness book of the World Records Luxembourg holds the world record as the country that consumes most alcohol in the world per citizen.

Next country is Canada. 8 place on a list. This country has strong health care and a low crime rate. Don't wory, be happy- it seems to be the Canadion way. It's second largest country in the world. There is the third largest diamond producting in the world. The cost of living in Canada is lower than in most other developed countries. There nice nature and many amazing forests. Winter in Canada you could see more than 6 months, but it doesn't matter- people there happy.

And the last of my country is Sweden.7 place on the list. Sweden is example of effective national taxes. There funded health care, childcare, education (including university), retirement pensions and sick leave. This is tons free and high quality services.

So, this is three nice country, where  people are happy, and where are quality of life.

2011 m. balandžio 16 d., šeštadienis

Stress test

This stress test showed me that my overall score is 3.52. This score is a measure of overal emotional well- being. So the points showed that I'm stress. I think I'm one of people who are very emotional, so I'm agree with that.

Next is quality of life score. This is a measure of how happy or satisfied I'm with my life, including overall self- esteem, health, friends or family, work. My score is 3.2, so I'm very stressed. I like my life, I love my friend family. But yes,sometimes is a bad day, than I feel very strees and unhappy, but I think it's normal.

My symtom distress score is 3.78. This's mean that I'm stress. Score measures my symtoms of depression, hostility. Sometimes I worried about my life, then I have some problem. But I'm not inclided to depression.

Level of functioning score is 3.63- very stress. This is a measure of how well I'm able to get along in the community. I think score too big, because I like communicate  with people, it's not problem for me.

I like this test,it's showed more true about my stress in some situacion.