2011 m. gegužės 18 d., trečiadienis

Final self- assessment

Writing summaries: Before university I have never written summaries. And I think it’s not easy. Formal style sometimes too difficult for me, also grammar is not clear.

1) Short talks: I don’t like this part. Every time I’m  worried about that, because sometimes so hard to speak English. And my English vocabulary is very poor.
2) Impromptu: It’s so difficult for me. And I’m very sad about that. I hope one time it will be better.
3) PPP: It’s strange, but I like this part. It was fun and interesting. I think my PPP was good. I tried to make it better.

Listening to:
1)  Online materials: I like this part. It was not so difficult. I think this part was the most interesting of all.
2)   Cassettes: It was interesting, sometimes I make mistakes.

ESP vocabulary:
1)  Formal tests in class and class test online: It was very difficult for me. New words and definitions were difficult to remember. But also it was very useful and interesting.
2)   Moodle tests: I like this part, because we were able to do at home it. No stress and I was able to repeat all definitions.